Spacing and Margins in Sections

Expected Date of Changes To be Rolled Out is July 7, 2023

We are excited to announce that a series of enhancements will be implemented starting in July. With these updates, site creators will have increased flexibility in adjusting section margins and spacing, allowing them to achieve the desired visual aesthetics. These changes are designed to give websites created with CrispoWeb a more modern and polished look. We encourage all CrispoWeb users to take full advantage of these new features and update their sites accordingly, transforming them into stunning and visually captivating online destinations.

Borders, Shadows and Border Curve Features

Expected Date of Changes To be Rolled Out is July 7, 2023

Exciting new features will soon be available in CrispoWeb, allowing you to add borders, curve the edges of your sections, and apply captivating shadow effects. These enhancements will add a touch of elegance and visual appeal to your websites. Don't miss out on the opportunity to update your sites and take full advantage of these newly introduced features. Upgrade your design game and make your sites more visually appealing and aesthetically pleasant.

Transparency for Section Row and Section Content Box

Expected Date of Changes To be Rolled Out is July 7, 2023

Previously, the sections in CrispoWeb had a fixed color and lacked transparency. While users could customize the color of the section row and content box, there was no option to choose the site background color or background image. However, with the introduction of the transparency feature, users now have the flexibility to select a site background color or background image that will be applied throughout their entire site. They can also override this selection by choosing different background colors and images for individual pages. Additionally, users can utilize the container control to add a background image. By default, the section row background is set to transparent, while the selection content box remains opaque. However, users have the freedom to customize the transparency of the section content box as well, giving them more control over the visual appearance of their website. Enjoy the newfound ability to create visually stunning websites with customizable backgrounds and enhanced transparency options in CrispoWeb.

Top Bar (Above Menu Bar)

Expected Date of Changes To be Rolled Out is July 7, 2023

With the latest update to CrispoWeb, users now have the option to add a top bar above the menu bar on their websites. This customizable top bar provides enhanced functionality and personalization. Users can choose to show or hide the top bar according to their preferences. Additionally, they have the flexibility to customize the background color and text color of the bar, ensuring it aligns with their desired website design. Moreover, users can select the specific content they want to display in the top bar. The available options include showcasing business phone numbers, email addresses, and social media icons, allowing visitors to easily connect with the website owner or business. Enjoy the added versatility and control over your website's appearance with the new top bar feature in CrispoWeb.

Ecommerce Websites

Add Products Directly to Websites

Crispoweb has plans to introduce a new feature that will enable users to add products directly to their website. Currently, users have to post ads and then fetch those ads on their website to add products. However, with this new feature, users will be able to add products to their website directly without the need to post ads first and then fetch them. This enhancement will simplify the process of adding products to websites on the Crispoweb platform.


Attach Different Payment Gateways to Website

Crispoweb is planning to introduce a new feature that will allow users to attach various payment gateways to their websites. With this feature, users will be able to add and utilize different payment options on their websites, enhancing the overall user experience.